iMUL | web platform for Students of Medical University of Lublin newsletter

iMUL | web platform for Students of Medical University of Lublin newsletter categories.

Human Anatomy Md Bis Program and DDs and DDs Bis Program Reminder

Human Anatomy Md Bis Program and DDs and DDs Bis Program Reminder - Semester Exam will take place on 23.01.2017 at 6:45am in Aula Maius. Please remember to dress in FORMAL ATTIRE and to bring your STUDENTS INDEX and a pen.

Introduction to Medical Practice - Communication Skills

Introduction to Medical Practice - Communication Skills- Partial II (21/01/2017)

Partial II will consist questions of all subjects from the MODULE II. Handouts of Module II are included in Teching Aids.

Human Anatomy

For all students who missed quizzes and partial test with an approved medical excuse note of
Human Anatomy .All tests will be made up on Wednesday 18.01.2017 between 10am -12noon in room 5.

Introduction to Clinical Medicine

INTRO TO CLINICAL MEDICINE - New schedule has been updated.

2/6 Eu Program IMP/ El. of Professionalism

Dear Students,
Final Exam of Introduction to Medical Practice/El.of Professionalism will take place on Wednesday 25.01.2017 at 8:00am in Center of Medical Simualtion.


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