iMUL | web platform for Students of Medical University of Lublin newsletter

iMUL | web platform for Students of Medical University of Lublin newsletter categories.

List of DDS Bis students for Retake

List of DDS Bis students for the 1first Human Anatomy Retake is Available see here.

MDBis and DDsBis Grades

Final Grades for MDBis and DDs Bis

Available see here.

Remedial course

Remedial course on the 2nd of February will be in the Centre of Medical Simulation (TBV biulding, second floor) at 8.30AM

Human Biology with Physiology

Human Biology with Physiology FINAL EXAM INFORMATION:
Please be advised that the Human Biology with Physiology Final will be held on February 3dr at 11:00 am in the Anatomy Department room 6. Please remember to dress in FORMAL ATTIRE (black and white colour suit, skirt, shirt, blouse or trousers) and to bring your STUDENTS INDEX cards.
Please read the information "How to fill out the answer sheet - rules" available on iMUL web platform for Students of Medical University of Lublin

Cell and Neoplasm Biology

Please be advised that the Cell and Neoplasm Biology Final will be held on February 3dr at 10:00 am in the Anatomicum Lecture Hall. Please remember to dress in FORMAL ATTIRE (black and white colour suit, skirt, shirt, blouse or trousers) and to bring your STUDENTS INDEX cards.
Please read the information "How to fill out the answer sheet - rules" available on iMUL web platform for Students of Medical University of Lublin


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