Dear Students,

The date of the final from Medical Psychology (2019/2020): 4th June 2020.

Dear Students,

Information about the task for preparing was sent by e-mail to the representative of the academic year.
Deadline: 29th May 2020.

Please also let me know if you have any questions and want to meet before the final on Zoom Platform.

Dear Students,

To check your activity on iMUL platform please complete:
Check your knowledge - “quiz” (should already been sent you by email).
The deadline: 15th May 2020.

Dear Students,

Due to current epidemiological situation the materials from „Clinical Psychology” (academic year 2019/2020) for self-study are available in the tab "Teaching aids". We will be uploading them regularly on imul Website, section Courses – Clinical Psychology.

Additionally, to enhance your learning experience, please watch two short educational videos available on YouTube channel:
The video (about 3 min) prepared by Healthchanneltv/cherishyourhealthtv is an animation explaining how stress can lead to burnout, describing burnout related factors (such as excessive workload, perfectionism), symptoms and possible treatments.
The video (about 13 min) prepared by The National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (NOFAS)- the international non-profit organization committed to FASD primary prevention. Thanks to the video you can improve your knowledge in FAS signs and raise your awareness of the high prevalence of this disorder in diverse communities.

The above mentioned videos you can find in the Teaching Aids section (Additional Visual Materials).

For any questions, please contact us by an e-mail: