MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY - Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations MEDICAL PSYCHOLOGY
Academic Year 2019/2020

Medical Psychology course: 30 academic hours of seminars

Students are obligated to know Rules and Regulation of The Department of Applied Psychology before starting the course.

Students are expected to abide by the social norms of cultural behavior (respecting other people’s individuality, rights, property, dignity and feelings).

Punctuality is obligatory. Delay more than 20 minutes means that you miss a lecture, a seminar or a class.

Failure to comply with the attendance policy may result in the final exam refusal.

Students are obliged to actively participate in the practical exercises and discussions in the classrooms.

Cheating on exam, test, or other written assignment, helping others to cheat, plagiarizing the written work of others, as well as using the work of another student as one's own is strictly forbidden- and equals an automatic grade of zero for such work. Repeat incidents may have steeper penalties.

Eating is not permitted in the classrooms.

Smoking in the Department of Applied Psychology is strictly prohibited.

Conditions for obtaining a credit for the subject:

Achieving at least a satisfactory mark in all of the following categories: knowledge, abilities, competences + attendance at classes/lectures/seminars

Knowledge – assessed on the basis of a written test.
The written test
– consists of about 20 multiple choice questions with one correct. Time for completing the test: about 30 minutes. Passing threshold is set at 60% of true answer. A retake, in case of failure, also consists of a written test.

Specific grading criteria:

Acceptable performance (3.0) – 60%-69%
Satisfactory performance (3.5) – 70%-79%
Good performance (4.0) – 80%-84%
Very good performance (4.5) – 85%-94%
Excellent performance (5.0) – 95%-100%

Abilities – assessed through a simulated conversation or task (essay, exercise)
A simulated conversation consists of students taking part in simulation role play or completing an exercise in the form of a dialogue between a patient and a doctor. The teacher provides the students with a general description/script of each role play, referring to a specific issue, or with a worksheet containing the exercise. The assessment is focused especially on the use of active listening techniques and expressing empathy or coping with the patient’s anger.

Competences – assessed on the basis of observation.
The method consists of observing students’ behavior and attitudes exhibited during classes. The assessment focuses on the students’ attitude to their responsibilities, respect towards the widely accepted principles of propriety towards other students and the teacher and the ability to work as a team.

- two unjustified absences are allowed
- in exceptional circumstances (e.g. in case of hospitalization) justified absences (e.g. with doctors note/excuse) are approved - however students must learn the educational material from the missed seminar/class (passing/quiz is taken place on the conditions agreed with the leading teacher, usually during the teacher’s office hours)

The final grade consists of the average of the aforementioned categories, i.e.
knowledge (70%), abilities (15%) and competences (15%).
The final mark is calculated according to the following algorithm: Kx0.7+Ax0.15+Cx0.15