Welcome !

We would like to invite You and present for Your kind consideration the website of the HAD with Laboratory of Medical Simualtion, Biostructure and Virtual Man and in the Centre of Medical Simulation.

iMUL team

Information on posting materials for iMUL

Dear academic teachers / course coordinators, the following link contains instructions on how to send materials for the iMUL platform.

Sending materials for iMUL - guide

There is no need to set up accounts at iMUL by lecturers.

No online courses are provided for American students.

Human Anatomy MD Bis Final Exam

Dear Students,

We would like to remind You that the Human Anatomy final exam will be held on Monday 30.01.2018 at 8:00am at Collegium Anatomicum . Please remember to dress in FORMAL ATTIRE
(black and white colour suit, skirt, shirt, blouse or trousers) and to bring your STUDENTS INDEX cards.

Human Anatomy DDS Bis Final Exam

Dear Students,

We would like to remind You that the Human Anatomy final exam will be held on Monday 29.01.2018 at 3:30pm at Collegium Anatomicum room 15. Please remember to dress in FORMAL ATTIRE
(black and white colour suit, skirt, shirt, blouse or trousers) and to bring your STUDENTS INDEX cards.

The First Aid Final Exam

Dear Students,

We would like to remind You that the First Aid final exam will be held on Monday 29.01.2018 at 8:00am at Collegium Anatomicum.

Introduction to Medical Profession Final Exam

Dear Students,

List of Students allowed to take the Final Exam on Tuesday 30.01.2018. Please click here

Introduction to Clinical Medicine Regular Program

Dear Students of ICM Course

Tomorrow 26.01.2018
The groups 1,2,3,4,5 at 11am and 21,22,23,24 at 6pm have class at Collegium Anatomicum room 15.


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